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Backpacking Europe Travel Photos

9 Photos Of… The Camino del Norte

August 2020: celebrating a temporary reprieve from the C-word by hiking a section of the Camino del Norte with my buddy Ale, walking through breathtaking coastal scenery, beautiful countryside and pretty seaside towns in Asturias and Cantabria, northern Spain. To see the full photo album from the Camino del Norte, please click HERE.

Backpacking Couchsurfing Europe Old Blog Archive


[ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 31.05.2008] At precisely 01:23am on 26 April 1986, Reactor #4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the former Soviet Union exploded, causing the worst nuclear disaster in the history of the world. Large areas of current-day Ukraine, Russia and Belarus were severely contaminated by the intense radiation and nuclear fallout, leading to …

Europe Old Blog Archive Personal

And In The Beginning There Was Tallinn…

[ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 27.02.2008 – FIRST EVER BLOG POST] I have always liked my job, but recently I have started to love it… I am currently undoubtedly mistaking this new-found passion as a sign of long-overdue maturity, and my mother certainly interpreted it in that way last weekend as I gushed about how huge an empire …