Showing: 11 - 13 of 13 RESULTS
Asia Backpacking Couchsurfing The Big Trip Travel Photos

9 Photos Of… the United Arab Emirates

Whilst this most unexpected of first travel destinations may have provided aesthetic and cultural stimulation beyond my wildest imaginations, Dubai will only ever live in my mind as irrefutable proof that people make places, and that putting in even the tiniest of social effort will offer the greatest human reward. In contacting Aga, an ancient …

Asia Backpacking Couchsurfing The Big Trip Travel Photos

9 Photos Of… Dubai Street Art

The running joke of the Dubai street art underground scene is that you need to be able to spray paint equally well with both hands to make it as a successful artist. Not so that those hard-to-reach metro underpass corners can be evenly coated from multiple angles, but rather so that the artist has another …

Backpacking Europe Travel Photos

9 Photos Of… The Camino del Norte

August 2020: celebrating a temporary reprieve from the C-word by hiking a section of the Camino del Norte with my buddy Ale, walking through breathtaking coastal scenery, beautiful countryside and pretty seaside towns in Asturias and Cantabria, northern Spain. To see the full photo album from the Camino del Norte, please click HERE.