Showing: 1 - 10 of 26 RESULTS
Asia Backpacking Big Asia Trip 2023 Couchsurfing Travel Photos

9 Photos Of… Bangladesh

What a delight it is when a country confounds all expectations and delivers a rich and genuinely satisfying travel experience. After a mildly disappointing week in Laos, which provided plenty of social and physical activity but lacked the cultural and culinary stimuli of its near neighbours, it was left to unheralded Bangladesh to reignite my …

Asia Backpacking Big Asia Trip 2023 Couchsurfing

9 Photos Of… Japan

Well, where to begin? Picking a mere 9 photos is a genuinely tricky task, because Japan delivered it all on this visit, truly. From global award-winning digital art installations to budget Michelin starred meals, via lifetime running achievements and official world records, fantastic human encounters, and even an early blossoming of the famed sakura: Tokyo …