Whilst this most unexpected of first travel destinations may have provided aesthetic and cultural stimulation beyond my wildest imaginations, Dubai will only ever live in my mind as irrefutable proof that people make places, and that putting in even the tiniest of social effort will offer the greatest human reward. In contacting Aga, an ancient …
So far, so very good. Given the somewhat hurried nature of my departure to a destination more or less imposed on me, my first fortnight on what has now imaginatively been christened The Big Trip has been a nothing short of a resounding success. And this despite needing to extend my stay by an additional …
The Great Escape
“The Prime Minister will address the nation at 8pm this evening.” As an entire country collectively raises its hands to its head, mouth slowly forming a perfect O in a silent scream of horror, we know what is coming. We’ve been here before. Every single air raid siren, alarm bell, and foghorn on the planet …
Getting High
[ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 05.09.2011] ‘Get ready to enter the history books’, the sign reads. Of all the implausible scenarios regarding the likely source of the fifteen minutes of fame owed to me by life ever since the day I reluctantly accepted that I would become neither rock star nor professional footballer, this has to be the …