Sand, sand, sand… Sand as far as the eye can see, and beyond. Whatever scenery I was expecting from my first week in Peru, 500m high dunes, desert oases, and hundreds of kilometres of arid coastline was not it. And if the landscape has changed dramatically from Ecuador, so too has the pace of travel. …
9 Photos Of… Colombia
And here it is, the hardest task of the entire trip so far… How to condense 704 photos and two months of such varied aesthetic rapture into a single digit gallery, the sole purpose of which should be to make every single recipient immediately open another browser window and book the next available flight to …
Goodbye, Eldorado…
Bogotá never stood a chance. With all the Colombian marvels that had preceded it over the previous two months, the city that not a single person had anything positive to say about was always going to struggle to live up to the rest of the country’s experiences. Infamous for its terrible weather, horrendous traffic, and …
Made In Medellín
And breathe… Wow, that was intense. As desperate as I always am to arrive at each new destination with zero expectations and a blank canvas onto which to paint my new adventures, sometimes it simply isn’t possible. When backpacker gossip and itinerary discussions with proud locals repeatedly combine to highlight one specific locality, the hype …
Caribbean Queen
I have a very peculiar code of appreciation for the places that I visit. It is of course highly pretentious, to the surprise of absolutely no one reading this. I engage emotionally and intensely with everywhere that I go, often very quickly and always in the most judgemental manner possible. I do not want to …
9 Photos Of… Panama
Dubai was open for business, to all intents and purposes. Malls, restaurants, bars and museums were all operating fully, though with reduced capacity, and the metro was uncomfortably crowded at all times. São Paulo felt like a city that knew harsher restrictions were coming (they just have) and decided to double down in a last …
9 Photos Of… the United Arab Emirates
Whilst this most unexpected of first travel destinations may have provided aesthetic and cultural stimulation beyond my wildest imaginations, Dubai will only ever live in my mind as irrefutable proof that people make places, and that putting in even the tiniest of social effort will offer the greatest human reward. In contacting Aga, an ancient …