Showing: 1 - 10 of 16 RESULTS
Asia Backpacking Big Asia Trip 2023 Couchsurfing

9 Photos Of… Japan

Well, where to begin? Picking a mere 9 photos is a genuinely tricky task, because Japan delivered it all on this visit, truly. From global award-winning digital art installations to budget Michelin starred meals, via lifetime running achievements and official world records, fantastic human encounters, and even an early blossoming of the famed sakura: Tokyo …

Backpacking Couchsurfing South America The Big Trip Travel Photos

9 Photos Of… Panama

Dubai was open for business, to all intents and purposes. Malls, restaurants, bars and museums were all operating fully, though with reduced capacity, and the metro was uncomfortably crowded at all times. São Paulo felt like a city that knew harsher restrictions were coming (they just have) and decided to double down in a last …

Asia Backpacking Couchsurfing The Big Trip Travel Photos

9 Photos Of… the United Arab Emirates

Whilst this most unexpected of first travel destinations may have provided aesthetic and cultural stimulation beyond my wildest imaginations, Dubai will only ever live in my mind as irrefutable proof that people make places, and that putting in even the tiniest of social effort will offer the greatest human reward. In contacting Aga, an ancient …